
Bullfights served as a form of entertainment in Kathmandu, especially in time periods that lacked other forms of recreation. Powerful bulls fought each other  after first being branded with tridents. The tridents were a symbolic offering to the God Shiva. From historical texts, we know that Kathmandu’s Lagan Tole was once called Koligram. During the Lichchhavi period, bullfights were held in the open space of Koligram. The taxes people paid to the government funded the event. The open space of Lagan Tole has a white temple and a mudhill with a tree. These are considered to be the mother and father of White Machhindranath, respectively. The chariot of Machhindranath circles the temple and mudhill three times in its journey. This spot remained popular for bullfight enthusiasts who would bring aggressive bulls from various parts of the valley and prod them into fighting. The winning bull would be fed flour and green leaves as a reward.

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